Easy Ways to Hide Our Youtube Subscriber Number Through Android

Hiding Subscriber count via Android – Previously I have discussed how to hide the number of subscribers through our laptop or PC. this time I will discuss it again but specifically on Android, so for those of you who use Android, you can try to apply the method that I will give later.

Easy Ways to Hide Our Youtube Subscriber Number Through Android

Youtube is a platform owned by Google which is popular and widely used for watching videos. Currently, many artists are playing YouTube for Adsense to earn more.

Youtube is now a new money field for those who know, in fact YouTube has always been able to produce, but there were few creators at that time and it only hit again a few years ago.

A subscriber is a person who subscribes to a YouTube channel. subscribe is a way to subscribe to a youtube channel. by subscribing then you have subscribed to the youtube channel.

one of the conditions for youtube to receive adsense is to collect 1000 subscribers and 4000 watch hours.

Because of the number of subscribers we want to hide so that it will be a surprise or because we are embarrassed to be seen because the number is still small, we sometimes hide it from the viewers of our videos. therefore to hide your subscriber count in the following way:

  1. Open your Google Chrome browser, I suggest using only Google Chrome or it could be with the browser of your choice
  2. Go to Youtube.com and change to Desktop mode
    Easy Ways to Hide Our Youtube Subscriber Number Through Android
  3. After that choose creator studio and select channel then select advanced and please select do not display number of people subscribed to my channel and save
    Easy Ways to Hide Our Youtube Subscriber Number Through Android
    how to hide subscriber count via cellphone

  4. the process of hiding the subscriber count is complete

After you hide your subscriber number, then the next step is for you to collect as many subscribers as possible so that it can be accepted by adsense and can make money.

for beginners like me who are still not confident and ashamed to have a small number of subscribers, you can try to hide the number of youtube subscribers, who knows there is a miracle, friends who read this article can help subscribe to my youtube channel to the informant’s child.

Don’t forget, guys, help subscribe to my youtube channel hehe.. thank you for dropping by on this simple blog.

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