How to Create a Simple HTML Web Footer

In the previous post I have reviewed how to create a web display, and create a header and body part. On this occasion I will invite you to review how to create a simple web footer using html.

I admit that there are actually many other content that may be more complete and better than this. However, it would be nice if I document and share some of my knowledge which is still far from broad

just go ahead, because maybe many people don’t like reading long articles, including me. haha

Also Read: How to Create a Simple HTML CSS Responsive Website Navbar

The first thing that needs to be prepared to make a footer is the web framework first, if you don’t have it in the previous post, it’s already there, why don’t you try checking the previous post. The html code is something like this:

Well like that
next we will create code for the footer section, we will add code like this:


Put the code before the tag to beautify it we can some css:

  1. Background css tag to add color to the footer
  2. css Text Align tag to give text option position effect: center, left, right
  3. css Color tag to give color to text
  4. Padding css tag to adjust the position so that it looks good, this tag is widely used so just try to experiment

Here’s the code:

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The initial series on creating a simple website has finished, if you look at it again, it’s far from perfect, hehe…

Creating your own web does take a lot of time, step by step must be passed. Creating the web framework, coding the interface, creating the logic for the system, there’s a lot more that needs to be prepared.

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