How To fix Google Chrome & Webview Cannot Update on PlayStore

Child informant – After a long time of not writing, now I want to share information with all of my friends, about how to solve the problem of Google Chrome and Webview applications that cannot be updated at all.

I have often experienced this problem with updating chrome and webview, both on MIUI roms and on custom roms.

the way you can do to solve the problem of application update failure on the playstore is that you have to clear the playstore data first.

Based on my experience, this clear data method is very efficient and very effective for me.

So, for those of you who want to know how to clear the Playstore application data, you can follow the following guidelines:

  1. please open the settings app
  2. access the application management section or application management
  3. then look for the playstore application
  4. after that click storage & cache
  5. select clear data or clear data

if so, then reopen the playstore application. if your chrome and webview don’t get the update, then return your playstore account settings to the previous google account that already got the update.

after following the steps above, please open the playstore application> my application> click update all

if so, your chrome and webview applications should install automatically.

make sure that all connections are smooth and do not experience interference or run out of quota..

So here it is, for the next tips and tutorials I will update randomly depending on the mood and what problems I get.

See you soon, friends, informants.. Don’t forget to always wear a mask to comply with health protocols to avoid covid-19, okay? Thank you!

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