How to Increase Blog Visitors By Registering With Google Webmaster Tools

How to Increase Blog Visitors By Registering With Google Webmaster Tools. Providing the latest activity information to the Google search engine is the key to speeding up so that the information is indexed immediately and when we want to find an article that we just posted it will immediately appear on the search engine.

Webmaster tools are tools to make this happen, by using webmaster tools we will provide information on the latest activities of our blog to search engines to speed up indexing.

For ordinary bloggers like me, webmaster tools are very helpful to support SEO blogs so that they still have the opportunity to be visited by visitors.

Here’s how to register a blog to webmaster tools

1. Please go to webmaster tools
2. Click on the Add Property Button

3. Write the address of the web or blog into the input form
4. Click Add
5. Setting Sitemaps/Sitemaps
6. Select Menu on the left of the crawl menu and select Sitemap
7. Click the top right button “add/test sitemap”

8. Add this feed code into the input form “/feeds/posts/default”
9. Click send

The process takes time but not too long, so that the latest posts or the latest activity from our blog or website are quickly known by Googlebot. Hopefully this article helps because sharing is beautiful. Greetings Gapunyakode…

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