How to Overcome Annoying Whatsapp Groups (WA)

Have you ever had a friend who doesn’t have a code to enter an unknown wa group? Or suddenly a foreign wa group appears in the WhatsApp chat application? The first thing you feel must be surprised and finally confused

Yes, just like me, I finally wondered “what group is this? I don’t feel like there’s a chat with friends who want to be included in the group”. Finally entered the group to find out what group this is.

The fact is that not all groups that invite us to become members are groups that we recognize. Sometimes I’ve even been invited to a group of people from outside the island that I didn’t even know the members of.

Therefore, we must be more careful in giving out our personal numbers. Moreover, publishing to the virtual world, will surely spread quickly to many people. However, we can anticipate it. How to ?

Resolving Unrecognized Groups
The fix is ​​to leave the group and delete the group or report the group if it is really annoying. Thus we no longer get incoming chats from the group, here’s how.

  1. Go to the group you want to delete.
  2. Then enter the menu (top right corner, you can see 3 dots)
  3. Select group info
  4. Scroll down then select exit group
  5. Finally, you can select delete group or report group.

If you choose to delete the group, the entire chat content in the group will be deleted. If you don’t want media from the group not to be deleted, then after selecting delete group, uncheck it and continue the steps.

That’s enough simple tutorials on how to get out of foreign wa groups that we don’t recognize. October be useful. Thank you

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