3 Very Easy Ways to Disburse Funds in Trustwallet

Can the money in the trust wallet be withdrawn?

The answer is yes, with terms and conditions applicable. The condition is that the trustwallet account belongs to you and the tokens/coins in the trustwallet can be sold/transferred. Because there are not a few coins/tokens that have not been listed on the exchange or cannot be exchanged for stable coins.

What is the easiest way to withdraw funds in a trustwallet?

FirstOf course, friends and trading assets in your personal wallet to people in need, many friends are sellers and buyers of these crypto assets. Especially if there is a coin that is being sought, there will be many people offering disbursement services because it has not been listed on the exchange.

Secondif you have assets that are already listed on an exchange such as Indodax, Binance or Tokocrypto then you can send the crypto coins/tokens to one of these exchanges (make sure they are listed because otherwise it will be difficult to return)

For those who don’t have an exchange account, you can register at binance, indodax or tokokripto

ThirdIf you have a token/crypto asset but haven’t listed it on an exchange, then you can try swapping via pancakeswap (of course, don’t swap randomly, friend, because if you fail you can lose in fees) make sure to look for info first on your coin/token.

Friends, you can swap to bnb or busd for bep2, bep20 networks, if the eth network is expensive, bro, haha, so you don’t have to calculate the swap fee to be more expensive than the assets you have.

If on Indodax and Tokocrypto, you can go directly to your friends’ banks, but for Binance there is a p2p feature, namely we can sell or buy with various people who display ads.

For sellers/buyers at Binance who have a yellow tick as pictured, the response is usually fast and reliable and for those who don’t have a yellow tick, the response is slow, friend, because sometimes the admin also chooses the unchecked.

So the info related to how to withdraw funds in a trust wallet, I hope it helps, friend. Thank you

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