Easy Ways to Create Groups and Channels on Telegram

How to Create Groups and Channels on Telegram

Creating Groups and Channels on Telegram
– creating a grub and channel on telegram is done the same way. You can make it very easily, but there are a few things you should know.

before creating groups and channels, please prepare in advance the photo file that will be used as a profile picture in the group and channel that will be created later.

the difference between grub and channel is that if the group is for discussion, we can chat with other members as well as groups in general.

while your channel cannot chat, only admins can post and are usually used as a repository for information updates.

Here’s how to create a Group on Telegram:

  1. Open Telegram
  2. Select Line 3 in the upper left corner
  3. Choose New Group
  4. Add Friends to Grub from telegram contact list that appears (required)
  5. after that click the arrow below right to continue
  6. Fill in the group name and group photo, then click check
  7. Done

To create a channel, follow these steps:

  1. on the start page of your telegram, please click the pencil mark
  2. then click New Channel
    How to Create Groups and Channels on Telegram
  3. Fill in the channel name and description related to the channel
    How to Create Groups and Channels on Telegram
  4. in channel settings you can set public or private depending on the contents of your channel
  5. Next add friends or contacts to your telegram channel, this is mandatory
    How to Create Groups and Channels on Telegram
  6. done

The process of creating groups and channels has almost the same steps, you can try it yourself at home.

This group and channel can be used by teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic as a place for tutoring.

what’s more, its management can make it easier for us as admins by adding bots to monitor and help us too.

that’s the tutorial on how to create groups and channels on telegram, hopefully the information provided can be useful.

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