How to Activate BNI Banking!! Sharing Stories and Experiences when activating BNI Banking for the first time

How to Activate BNI Banking!!  Share Stories and Experiences!

The Story of the Process of Turning on a BNI Banking Account – BNI Banking is widely used because this application really makes it easier for us to carry out various kinds of transactions. here the first step before I activate BNI Banking is to look for info on the official BNI website and I get quite helpful info.

To use the BNI M-Banking application, we must first activate the User Id. This User Id is very important because he is useful as a username for us to login and is needed for the next activation. I will explain in detail the details of the purpose of this next activation.

In this paragraph I will explain why I mentioned the next activation, so this next activation is when we switch devices and on the Android device we just installed the m-banking application, what appears when you select is the user activation page. so we can’t login, because we have to go through the activation process again. so in my opinion this BNI Banking application is quite complicated if you like to mutually change devices, because the system is changing devices, then changing MPIN and new Transaction Password again. so make sure you change devices only once a year wkwkw. Until now, I still often change MPIN and whether this is because I don’t understand or that the BNI system is, I don’t know, I’m also confused. so friends who are experiencing the same thing can comment or can give me advice about this so that I also know.

In the next paragraph, I will tell you how the process of getting the BNI M-Banking User Id is. so at that time I had two options to get this User Id. The first option is we can register the User Id at the ATM and the second we can register at the nearest BNI Branch. After reading some information, it turns out that there is a difference between those who register at ATMs and those who register at BNI branches.

The difference we get is that when we register a User Id at an ATM, we only get a few features, such as checking balances and others, whereas if we register at a BNI branch we can get Full Features from checking balances, transfers, purchasing electricity tokens and so on. -other. here I decided to go directly to the BNI branch and I got the service.

In the middle of the activation process, it turns out that there is something I forgot and this is absolute. You must know that you have to bring your Android or IOS cellphone, provide an active SIM card or starter card that will not be replaced for SMS and contains a minimum of 5000 rupiah (So SMS fees are charged but not 5000 rupiah). the reason I said the sim card was not replaced is because we will need the sim card or number to send sms and get the OTP code.

Incidentally, I didn’t bring my cellphone and I only had a short cellphone belonging to an old-school Nokia aka Nokia 1202. In the end, the officer was given the information about the requirements. so for friends who want to register for BNI Banking, make sure to bring your cellphone and provide credit too. then I was given a note and it contained the user id of the BNI bank. Then at home, I activate it myself through the BNI M-Banking application in the Playstore.

How to Activation:

  1. Enter the Userd Id that has been given by the Bank
  2. then fill in the MPIN. This MPIN is our password to login to the BNI bank application
  3. Fill in the Transaction Password. Don’t forget the transaction password too, because this is also important, where every time you make a transaction you will need this password
  4. Then click continue and here we need credit to get the OTP code. make sure you have set up a simcard that has credit and is registered with the bank bni (later when you are at the bank you will also be asked why this is a problem, if you don’t ask, we are confused)
  5. After you get the OTP code, you enter the code in the M-Banking application and click continue.
  6. Please Login by Entering your User Id and MPIN
  7. Done

I remind you that if you switch devices later and you will go through the activation process again in the m-banking application. must have credit, hihi.. if you login on the web, you can but you have to change the mpin again. The previously used MPIN cannot be used anymore because you have to use a new mpin password, as well as the transaction password. Yes, the hope is that in the future there will be changes from BNI bank or for those of you who know, you can comment so I know too, so we don’t need to reactivate the BNI Banking application again.

I think that’s enough to share my information and experience when activating BNI banking for the first time. I hope my friends don’t experience what I experienced, you know I forgot that time because I was in a hurry. that’s all from the informants, hopefully this article can be useful for all of my friends. if confused don’t be shy to ask. Thank you!!

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