How To Disable Group Tab Feature On Google Chrome Android

How To Disable Group Tab Feature On Google Chrome Android

Disable Group Tab In Chrome – This time we will discuss about how to disable the new tab group in chrome android. tab group in chrome allows us when accessing websites to organize new tabs into one tab only.

for those of you who are on chrome android version 88, you will find this feature is active by default. so for example you open a website, where on the website there is an internal link that you accidentally click.

then the link that was clicked earlier will create a new tab, but this new tab does not separate into a second tab. but the new tab will be in one tab which will form a tab group.

to disable it you can follow the tutorial below:

  1. open chrome
  2. access chrome://flags
  3. in the search please type the groups tab
  4. Next change from default to disable

    How To Disable Group Tab Feature On Google Chrome Android

After following these instructions, the new tab feature should return to normal. the presence of this feature is actually good but because there are some of us will be less used to it, so it must be disabled.

Note: in addition to the method above, you can also disable the grid tab feature in Android Chrome. for almost the same steps, it’s just that my friend needs to change the search that was a group tab to a grid tab, then change it from default to disable.

after relaunching chrome, make sure you force close chrome too so that the process of deactivating tab groups and tab grids runs smoothly.

This feature is actually still in the experimental stage, we don’t know when Google developers will implement it permanently.

so much information this time, hopefully it can be useful for all of us. don’t forget to leave your comments.

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