How to Download Instagram Videos and Photos Without the Latest Apps

How to Save Videos and Images Without the Latest Apps – Instagram is one of the social media that is trending right now, this application gives us the freedom to share precious moments in the form of videos or pictures.

Not only personal moments shared by Instagram users but there is also a lot of useful information and of course very diverse types.

Sometimes we as users when viewing a published video or image suddenly want to save it to our phone’s internal memory.

The desire to save videos or pictures from Instagram is usually because the content in it is interesting or useful tutorial content, but it could also be for other reasons.

Well, friend, this time I want to share this simple tutorial on how to download Instagram images and videos to our cellphone gallery.

How to Download Instagram Videos Without the Video Downloader Application

  1. Open Instagram
  2. Tap on a video you want to download
  3. Tap the menu, position according to number 1 in the image above
  4. Then tap copy link
  5. Open the browser, you can use crhome, type then continue
  6. The link that we copied from the Instagram application was pasted according to number 3 in the image above
  7. Then tap download
  8. Wait until it’s finished

How to take the video above can also be done when we want to take pictures, the steps are not much different, we just have to do the steps above.

However, there is another easier way to download videos or photos from Instagram, namely with the addition of a video downloader application. Here’s how:

How to Download Instagram Videos and Photos Using Additional Apps

download videos and photos with the app
  1. Download the “video downloader for instagram” application on playstore
  2. Open Instagram
  3. Tap on a video or picture you want to take
  4. Then, tap the menu (menu position corresponds to number 1 in the image above)
  5. Tap copy link
  6. Open the video downloader application for instagram
  7. In accordance with number 3 in the image above, paste the link in the column
  8. Then tap the button on number 4 (usually automatically downloads)
  9. No. 5, wait for the download process to finish
  10. The results of videos and photos can be seen in our gallery in the album (instadownload)

Taking a video does take a while because the video file is usually quite large, while taking photos from Instagram usually doesn’t take that long.

That’s a simple tutorial from me on how to download Instagram videos and photos, hopefully it’s useful. Thank you

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