How to Overcome the Xiaomi Redmi Security Application Stop

How to Overcome the Xiaomi Redmi Security Application Stop

What is Security Application?

The Security application is our place to optimize system work and clean useless data.

In addition, there are still many functions that this application has, one of which is like a game speed booster and others.

According to my experience a few days ago when meeting my friend. The security app that he has is the latest version, while I still haven’t updated the one I have.

It turned out that he complained to me that when fixing through the security app, sometimes the application said “security has stopped” and unfortunately the fix process has not been completed.

How to Overcome the Xiaomi Redmi Security Application Stop

Then I told my friend that I, who used an older version, sometimes experienced this, so I told him that it wasn’t a problem with your smartphone being damaged but there was a problem with the application.

My friend asked again, what is the solution?

Don’t worry, I have a solution.

Solution to Overcome Security Has Stopped
The solution is this bro. If when we fix the system through the security application it fails or you could say it stops itself without completing the fix process, we first deactivate the data connection.

Only then will we fix it again through the app

In this way I succeeded until the fix system process was complete, this incident actually only happened occasionally.

If your smartphone experiences something like this, please use this method, hopefully it will work too.

Strange bin magic, the latest version of the security app belonging to my friend also managed to use this method.

It turns out that the old and latest version of the security application still has a bug like this. I myself just found this problem on 2 different types of xiaomi cellphones. Who knows my friend has the same problem, the method above can be used and good luck. Regards no code

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