how to restore deleted whatsapp app on android

Understand How to restore accidentally deleted wa on android

how to restore deleted wa apps
– the WhatsApp application, which is more familiarly called wa, is indeed familiar among the world community.

This application is so familiar because it has a lot of users. I am sure that all ladies and gentlemen at home and the young and today’s children can already use this WhatsApp chat application.

but sometimes for some reason many don’t know how to deal with wa applications that are accidentally deleted by children or even by ourselves.

So how to restore deleted WhatsApp applications on Android?

Here’s how to find the lost wa application deleted on your android:

1. Prepare your internet quota

2. Open the play store and type in the search with the keyword wa or you can also click here

3. Next click install

4. Wait until the whatsapp process is installed

If it’s finished, your WhatsApp application will be re-installed on Android and you can try to re-login with your previous wa cellphone number.

How to restore your whatsapp account?

To return your WhatsApp account to its original state, you need the mobile number that you used before to enter the WA application. Here are the steps:

  • Open the whatsapp application

  • Enter your mobile number

  • Enter the OTP code

  • Click restore (this restore option will appear if you already have a backup)
  • Fill in your name

If the wa mobile number is no longer active, you must change it using an active number so that the OTP code can be obtained for the WhatsApp verification process.

Note: For those of you who are looking for how to restore deleted whatsapp chats on android without backup, you will not find it. Because how to restore deleted wa files on our Android phones requires a previous backup. The backup can be in the form of data and cache in your WhatsApp folder and it can also be data stored in the Google Drive cloud via your email.

If the WhatsApp folder is not deleted, there is a chance that the chat can still be restored. see the full video tutorial in the video below:

That’s why it’s important for you to activate the backup feature to gmail google drive so that when wa is deleted we can easily restore it.

That’s how to restore deleted wa apps on android without accident. Hopefully this method can be useful. That’s all and I’ll end it, thank you for stopping by at’s blog. Don’t forget to share with your friends too.

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