How to Speed ​​Up Downloads on Google Chrome Android

Must Try this How to Speed ​​Up Downloads on Google Chrome Android

How to Speed ​​Up Downloads on Google Chrome Android
– when my friend wants to download a movie on google chrome, sometimes we will get a slow speed even though our internet speed should be speeding.

There are several reasons why the download of the film is slow, this is usually because the download speed is limited by the provider. But if you feel that the download on the provider’s site is speeding but the speed is still slow, you can try optimization so that the download becomes faster.

You can optimize the download speed on Android chrome by activating the following two features:

Enable QUIC Protocol

Quick protocol by dewaweb says that this feature is able to increase our connection speed. You can read more about this information on dewaweb.

For how to activate this quick protocol, you can follow the method below:

1. Please open google chrome We

2. Access chrome://flags in the browser address bar

3. In the search field, type Quick Protocol

4. Please change to Enabled to activate it

After activating the quick feature on your chrome, then click relaunch to re-open the google chrome application.

Parallel Downloading

Parallel downloading can share downloaded files such as IDM. So when activated, when you download a file, Chrome will divide it into several packages like in the IDM application. But in IDM it will show the list of packages, while on Google Chrome it will not be visible.

To activate the Parallel Downloading feature, you can follow the steps below:

1. Open google chrome We

2. Access chrome://flags

3. In the search field please looking for parallel download

4. Next in enable

If it has been enabled, now please relaunch your Android chrome. maybe this will answer why downloading on google chrome is slow, because when you try the trick above, you will know the difference even though it is not too significant.

When downloading a file, whether it’s a movie, document or application, I recommend downloading it on Google Drive, Mediafire, or on a server that you think is really fast. The most recommended is on google drive. So look for the download mirror on Google Drive.

for the video version of the tutorial you can watch below:

those are two ways to increase download speed on google chrome android that you can try, make sure your internet is stable so that the download speed is getting more and more wow..

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