How to Transfer Telkomsel Credit Share with Relatives and Friends

no telkomsel code – Sharing is one way to calm the heart and besides that one day there will be another fortune for you. Including sharing credit, why? Sometimes there are people closest to us who have urgent matters, but the pulse is running low.

While the people closest to us are far from the pulse seller shop or are in financial trouble. Incidentally, we have more things to share, so why not share it, friend, hehe.

Short History

Conditions occur not only as above. Now, if I personally needed credit to buy an internet package and it turned out that the credit was only 5000 rupiah less, instead of buying credit, I ended up using my brother’s credit to share it with my number.

But with a note, friend, you have to comply with the permission of the person who has credit, if not the permission is called stealing and stealing is a detrimental thing. It may seem trivial but if you get used to doing small cheats like that, it will have a bad impact in the future.

Credit Sharing Service

Almost all sim cards in Indonesia have credit sharing services, including the Telkomsel provider, which includes SC Tua, which has been around for a long time. But sometimes people forget how to share credit with other people.

This time I want to review this article in order to make documentation for my friends and myself, so that when you want to transfer credit it will be much easier.

How to Transfer Telkomsel Credit

This Telkomsel credit sharing can be done through 2 methods, the first is the dial method by dialing *858# and then selecting the pulse transfer menu. This method is ideal, especially if the cellphone used is not an Android-based phone.

The second way is through the MyTelkomsel application, of course, you can get this application through the Google Playstore and this method is perfect for mobile phones that have an Android base. Sometimes even those who use this method are still comfortable via dial, right, friend, it’s more practical, hehe.

Short Description of Telkomsel Credit Sharing

This credit transfer service to other Telkomsel card users is valid for sympathy, loop and AS type cards. This service is unfortunately not free, mate, but it’s worth it if the conditions are sudden.

The fee required for pulse transactions in the range of 5 thousand-19 thousand is charged 1,850 rupiah. Meanwhile, transactions with a nominal value of 20 thousand and above will be charged 2000 rupiah for each transaction. And the minimum credit limit for sending is 2000 rupiah after making the transfer.

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