How to Transfer XL Axiata Credit in the Latest Sms Format

How to Transfer XL Axiata Credit in the Latest Sms Format

What is it for Pulses?

This program for pulses belonging to XL Axiata is a service for consumers to provide easy credit transfer with a certain nominal, of course according to their wishes. This service works for fellow customers.

Every service made by this provider aims to help customers who are in need of credit instantly, without having to go to shops or to an ATM to buy credit.

This service program is very useful for friends no code with minimal access, such as when you are far from the store, minimal funds, or just need a certain credit to meet the total cost to buy an internet data package.

How to Transfer XL Axiata Credit?

First SMS Format

Type Code:

“Share (space) Credit Amount” Example: Divide 10000

Then the sms is sent to the destination number to be transferred. Wait for the operator’s reply sms response, follow the instructions for the contents of the sms. Usually, to continue confirming the credit transfer, you just have to reply to the SMS response with “Y” and then send it.

Second SMS Format

Type Code:

“Divide(space)Destination Number(space)Total Credit” Example: Divide 087XXXXXX 20000

Send SMS To 168

The next step is the same as the first SMS format, the required credit transfer fee is from 1 thousand to 5 thousand for fellow XL. This pulse transfer rate will be different for the scale of the amount of credit transferred.

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