10 Best Loot Places for Free Fire Map Bermuda, Lots of Loot!

Free Fire is a famous battle royale game, especially in Indonesia, this game has many players from children, teenagers, to adults and has even become one of the number 1 games in Indonesia. In the Free Fire game or other battle royale games, of course, players need loot to collect weapons and other equipment, now there are some of the best Free Fire loot places, especially the Bermuda Map, you know. A good loot place and lots of loot are very helpful to meet the needs of both weapons and other equipment, the better the chance for Booyah the greater the chance.

The Bermuda map also gets version 2.0 or remastered with several new locations, in the list and discussion this time it also includes remastered bermuda loot sites. Well, therefore, we will discuss and list the best loot places in FF Bermuda so that you are not curious anymore and you can get references to the best ff loot locations on the map, go ahead.

1. Peak

The first best Free Fire loot place is Peak, a location located in the middle of the Bermuda map. Peak is classified as a very strategic place because apart from being in the middle and often being a safe zone, Peak keeps very good and quality loot. Loot such as weapons and ammunition, medical equipment, equipment such as helmets, vests, and bags can also reach level 3 at this location. It looks small, but this place is often a place for Free Fire players to jump for that reason and indeed this place is very famous.

If you decide to jump into the Peak, you should be careful because this place is very crowded with players besides that there are not many buildings and the place is a bit open. We recommend that you immediately look for buildings and loot then stand by and wait to attack other players, also be careful with buildings and open places.

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2. Mill

Mill is the next best ff loot place, its location is in the east of the island close to the beach. This place is not big but actually stores a variety of quality loot such as weapons and ammunition and supporting weapons such as grenades, medical equipment, equipment such as bags, vests, helmets are also in this place, Mill is indeed a place for ff Bermuda which is quite good for loot for solo or duo, if the squad might just be enough. Mill also includes a rather crowded location, especially if it is passed by the plane path, many players will jump into this place.

For loot quality, it’s good at this Mill, but for one squad it’s not enough considering this place is only small. If you decide to jump into the Mill, you should be careful, even though this place is small, it can be a gathering place for players, especially if the plane passes here.

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3. Academy

The presence of the remastered 2.0 Bermuda map also brings new places or locations, one of which is the Academy which is also included in the list of the best free fire loot places in Bermuda. Academy can be a choice location for loot because the area is quite large with several large buildings because the name is also Academy. These buildings store abundant loot ranging from weapons and ammunition, medical equipment, vests, helmets, to backpacks. This location is one of the newest spots to dive for Free Fire players on the remastered Bermuda map.

Academy has good loot, wide area, strategic location enough to attract the attention of players to jump into this location. We recommend that if you jump into this location, you have to be careful because it is likely that this place will be crowded with players, especially if passed by planes. Just take advantage of large buildings to hide and ambush enemies, for example from the top floor.

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4. The Milky Way Strip and the Equator

The next best FF loot place is the Bimasakti Strip and the Equator, the location is indeed separated by the Power Plant but quite close together. This place is very suitable for loot because it stores a variety of good quality loot such as vests, helmets, bags, good weapons and ammunition, medical equipment, and other equipment. Both of these places have small buildings and are not too big because they are only housing, but this is very profitable if you want to move around in hiding.

If you have finished looting either from the Milky Way Strip or the Equator, you can move to the Power Plant to look for additional loot. However, you also have to be careful with the presence of other players because this location is quite strategic and attracts the attention of many players so you have to stay alert.

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5. Mars Electric

Mars Electric is a power station on the island of Bermuda, Mars Electric is also one of the best loot places in FF Map Bermuda. This place has several large buildings, especially the one in the middle and stores abundant and quality loot. There are various loots available at this location such as weapons and ammunition, medical supplies, spare weapons such as grenades, other equipment in the form of bags, vests, helmets on Mars Electric, and sometimes even level 2 or 3.

This place is located at the end of the Bermuda Map, therefore players rarely choose to jump into Mars Electric because it is quite far away and is often not exposed to the play zone. However, if you jump into this place, you must also be careful because there might be some players who decide to loot in this place. Mars Electric can be the best choice for loot for FF on the Bermuda Map, also prepare a vehicle to go so you don’t get hit by the zone. But take it easy because Mars Electric is a safe place in FF but with good loot quality, just on the outskirts.

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6. Shipyard

The next best Free Fire loot location is the Shipyard, a port with warehouses and containers located close to the beach on the Bermuda Map. There are several warehouse and container buildings full of high quality loot and there are plenty of them if you keep track of them. In the Shipyard you can find a variety of weapons such as rifles and even snipers or SMGs and other weapons and complete ammunition, there are also medical equipment and complementary vests, helmets, and high-level bags.

Its location in the outskirts of the Bermuda Map makes Shipyard a bit quiet for players because it usually doesn’t belong to the playzone. But that doesn’t mean it’s always quiet, if you pass by the plane, there will be many who jump in this area. So be careful if you jump into the Shipyard because the place is open and has the potential to be hit by enemy fire.

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7. Pochinok

Most Free Fire players must know a place called Pochinok, one of the best places in Free Fire. Pochinok is a small town with several small and large housing estates, each house has abundant loot and of course good quality. You can find weapons and ammunition complete with attachments, important equipment such as vests, helmets, backpacks, even if you are lucky you can get level 3, besides that medical equipment is also available.

Pochinok’s position is also strategic so that many Free Fire players jump into this location to loot because Pochinok is one of the most popular places and is known by many FF players. Be careful if you jump and loot in this place because there are likely to be a lot of enemies. But, fortunately Pochinok is a place to sleep in Bermuda FF besides several other places because Pochinok provides several houses that are suitable for sleeping or hiding.

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8. Samurai’s Garden

Next is the location that is present in the remastered Bermuda, namely Samurai’s Garden, one of the best FF loot spots on the Bermuda Map that you must visit because this place is very beautiful and charming. Samurai’s Garden is a place with a typical Japanese atmosphere and environment with beautiful cherry blossom trees. This place also stores a lot of loot such as weapons and ammunition, medical equipment, additional equipment, vests, helmets, bags, there are everything in this area, especially in house buildings.

If you jump into this location, you should also be careful because Samurai’s Garden is a famous place and certainly crowded with players. Take advantage of buildings to hide and ambush opponents, immediately loot weapons and other equipment and then hide. Samurai’s Garden is one of the good places to hang out in Bermuda, besides that this place is also beautiful and worth visiting.

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9. Hangar

The next best loot place in Bermuda is Hangar, an airport that is on the Bermuda Map. In this place there are various buildings such as hangars, buildings, and other small buildings that store lots of loot. The hangar stores a lot of loot, especially weapons considering this place is a small airport on the island of Bermuda, besides loot such as military equipment vests, helmets, and backpacks, there are also medical equipment and other equipment. The location of this Hangar is close to the Factory so that after you finish looting you can go there to loot again or hunt down enemies.

The hangar is one of the best Bermuda loot sites because it’s not as busy as the middle area of ​​the Bermuda Map, so it’s rather free to loot. Even so, you have to be careful with some players who might jump into this place, besides that, be careful from the direction of the Factory.

10. Observatory

Octoberbe some Free Fire players already know a place called the Observatory, one of the best loot places in Free Fire. The Observatory area stores very abundant loot, even enough for one squad because there is indeed a lot of loot in the area. There are various loots such as weapons and ammunition as well as attachments, there are also medical equipment, besides that there are vests, helmets, and backpacks enough for one squad. This place is a mainstay for pro players to jump in and loot, besides being safe, the loot is sufficient for supplies against the enemy.

If you decide to jump in and loot at the Observatory, that’s good because there is a lot of loot there and also the place is far away, so it’s possible that other players prefer to jump to a place other than the Observatory. However, you also have to be careful because of course there are players who know this place so they will choose to loot here.

Well, that was the discussion about the best Free Fire loot places on the Bermuda Map, hopefully it will be useful and add references. You can try to jump and loot in the places above, or want to recommend another place? please comment yes. Until here first, hopefully the information is useful and see you again, gamers!

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