7 Facts about Ironheart Armor Advanced Features, Equivalent to Iron Man!

In November, Ironheart will make its MCU debut in movies Black Panther: Wakanda Forever. After that, the character whose real name is Riri Williams will return in 2023 with his solo series entitled Ironheart. With a pretty bright future, many fans can’t wait to see the appearance of Invincible Iron Man aka Ironheart.

Although the greatness of his armor in the MCU is still not revealed, but in fact the greatness of Ironheart is no longer in doubt. Because in the comic itself, the successor to Iron Man is famous for having very sophisticated armor. What’s even more great, Ironheart turns out to create all the features of his armor alone. After going through trial and error long enough, he finally managed to find the right advanced features for his own armor. What are the features of the Ironheart armor? Check out the list below, geeks!

Increase Physical Strength

7 Facts on Advanced Features of Ironheart Armor, Iron Man Equivalent!, Greenscene

The first feature of Ironheart that you shouldn’t miss is the advanced feature that can increase its physical strength many times over. Given his tiny body, of course, Ironheart’s armor should be able to cover this weakness. After failing to increase the strength and durability of his first armor, Ironheart then re-created armor from a stronger, but lighter material. Where the technology inside allows him to punch the truck to shreds. With his Ironheart armor he had even defeated a large supervillain like Rhino.

Advanced Visor

7 Facts on Advanced Features of Ironheart Armor, Iron Man Equivalent!, Greenscene

One proof of the sophistication of Ironheart’s armor is on his visor which he specially created according to his needs. This visor is equipped with a sophisticated radar that can detect the presence of enemies in the vicinity. As if that wasn’t enough, Ironheart also embeds a camera that can see 360-degree conditions around it. Uniquely, in addition to the advanced features in it, Ironheart’s visor can also turn transparent. This makes it easier for him to see what is in front of his eyes in real. This feature is also useful when he is talking to other people, as he doesn’t have to take off his mask like Iron Man usually does.

MIP . Missiles

7 Facts on Advanced Features of Ironheart Armor, Iron Man Equivalent!, Greenscene

In addition to the technology that supports its movement, Ironheart also has a feature called MIP missiles aka ‘Micro-impact Precision Missiles’. As the name implies, this small missile has a very high level of accuracy, but the impact is not lethal. With this missile, Ironheart is usually able to subvert a number of enemies with one shot. The reason why the impact is small is because Ironheart is not a brutal superhero who will instantly kill his enemies. So this feature is very compatible with the sweet Ironheart character, but still able to paralyze the opponent.

Multifunction Repulsor

7 Facts on Advanced Features of Ironheart Armor, Iron Man Equivalent!, Greenscene

As the successor of Iron Man, of course, it has become a must for Ironheart to have his own repulsor. Interestingly, Ironheart has also gone through the process trial and error for this repulsor. Initially he has the same repulsor as Iron Man, where his shots are very deadly and destructive. However, over time he then created a repulsor whose attack power can be adjusted. So that he can defeat the enemy without having to kill him. On the other hand he can still destroy a tank with just one shot.

Energy Shield

7 Facts on Advanced Features of Ironheart Armor, Iron Man Equivalent!, Greenscene

Because its offensive features are quite capable, Ironheart also creates other features that are useful for defensive needs. That is an energy shield that can protect him from various attacks, ranging from sharp weapons, firearms, and even explosions. The range of this energy shield he could adjust according to his surroundings. If he wanted to conserve energy, then Ironheart only had to raise a thin shield around him. But if he wanted to protect others, his energy shield could also enlarge to make those around him safer with him.

Smart AI

7 Facts on Advanced Features of Ironheart Armor, Iron Man Equivalent!, Greenscene

In his early days as Ironheart, he was once assisted by Tony Stark’s AI made of Tony’s own consciousness. This of course makes Ironheart thrive with all its new findings and features. However, when Tony Stark’s AI breaks down, he creates his own version of AI based on his memories of his deceased best friend Natalie. This new AI then he named Natalie too. Since then Ironheart has an advanced AI that understands exactly what he wants.

Portable Storage

7 Facts on Advanced Features of Ironheart Armor, Iron Man Equivalent!, Greenscene

Finally, the Ironheart armor feature that is no less interesting is its portable storage feature. When he doesn’t want to use his armor, usually Riri aka Ironheart will store it in a small storage located on his left arm. Amazingly, this in no way reduces the functionality of the other features, as well as its strength and durability. When a threat came, he would usually immediately take out the Ironheart armor that spread from his left arm until it covered his entire body, much like when a Sailor Moon transforms.

Those are the seven features of the Ironheart armor in the Marvel Universe. These various features have proven that Ironheart is not a random superhero. With his intelligence, he could match his needs and desires for an armor. By adjusting some of the advanced features in it, Ironheart can still look elegant according to its image. The same thing may also happen with the live action version. We’ll see what the development and appearance of Ironheart’s armor will look like when he appears in the MCU in the future.

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