8 Painful Hero Marksman 2022 in Mobile Legends

Marksman is one of the roles in Mobile Legends that has a long attack distance and high damage. There are several marksman heroes that can be used by ML players, but there are also 2022 sickest marksman heroes that can be considered for use because they have sick damage and OP this year. Marksman themselves usually occupy the Gold Lane because in this lane they can farm gold faster to buy items, although there are also marksman who are often used in the midlane and jungler.

Well, gamers friends, on this occasion we will discuss about the sickest mm hero 2022 in Mobile Legends. Curious right? if you’re curious, please read until the end so that later you can have a pick reference and not be confused anymore with which marksman hero has sick and deadly damage, just go ahead.

1. Nathan

The first sick marksman hero in 2022 is Natan, of course ML players already know this hero because he is famous OP. Nathan is a very agile hero and has the power of time, besides that the attack damage from his skills and basic attacks is also strong enough to attack enemy heroes. Usually this hero occupies the Gold Lane but can also be in the midlane or jungler lane depending on the player’s wishes and strategy.

Nathan is indeed weak in the early game, but if he has several core items or has entered the late game, this hero can slaughter opponents. His fast movement also really supports him to chase enemies or run away from enemy pursuit, this hero is indeed one of the best marksman in 2022 and deserves to be picked.

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2. Beatrix

Next is Beatrix, a popular marksman in Mobile Legends who has the unique ability to change weapons and have many skills. Beatrix is ​​often picked by ML players because it is classified as an overpowered marksman, even though the mechanics are high, this hero is very deadly. Not infrequently the hero also becomes a subscription for tires or a fight for players who want to use the marksman hero.

Beatrix alone was able to make the enemy difficult during the early game because her weapon could pay off the enemy’s blood, she could even make the enemy die with just her sniper shot. Even so, Beatrix still has a weakness, namely her blood is quite thin, so you have to be extra careful so as not to get hit by a gank or when the war is not kidnapped by the enemy.

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3. Brody

Brody also includes 2022’s sickest marksman hero, this hero who has high burst damage has become a mainstay for ML players to push rank. Brody has a long attack distance and the damage from each of his basic attacks is quite painful. Brody’s passive skill is quite unique because it can give a sign or mark to the enemy that will add higher damage when Brody attacks him with basic attacks or skills.

This hero is resilient from the early game to the late game is still dangerous and a threat to the enemy team. Brody’s ultimate skill is also very deadly because it can attack many targets in one area, even if it is hit by one it can execute enemy heroes.

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4. Clint

The cowboy hero Clint is also definitely included in the list of the sickest mm heroes in 2022, this hero has become the target of ML players’ picks this year. Clint has a very good skill set consisting of damage and crowd control that can overwhelm the enemy. This marksman hero is a strong early hero and can survive even better in the late game, especially if it is full of items. Clint is very suitable to be placed in Gold Lane like most other marksman.

Clint can be a damage dealer for the team, his basic attack damage and skills are strong enough to finish off the enemy, supported by skills 1 and 3 whose damage is not solid. If Clint is focused on building critical damage, the thick hero doesn’t matter anymore.

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5. Yi Sun-shin

Yi Sun-shin or often called by the abbreviated name YSS is a marksman hero with a hybrid assassin role. YSS is of course very popular and has a high pick rate because ML players fight over this hero to be used as a hyper carry. The hero has advantages, one of which is a passive skill that can provide critical damage if you change weapons, this skill is a toy for fast hand players.

YSS is very suitable if he is a hyper carry and jungler, he can clear jungle quickly and rotation is also quite fast. Even for open maps, YSS can rely on the ultimate skill that will provide fire attacks and find out the enemy’s position. No wonder YSS is included as one of the best mm heroes in 2022.

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6. Karrie

The next sickest marksman hero in 2022 is Karrie, a marksman who is famous for being able to penetrate Tank’s defenses. Karrie has become a meta marksman hero this year, if used properly this hero can slaughter enemies, even heroes with thick blood. This mm hero can be used in Gold Lane like most other marksman, sometimes it can also be used as a hyper carry or jungler.

Indeed, Karrie is an underrated marksman, but actually this marksman is quite strong, even from the early game, his performance has been good.

8. Lesley

The last in the list of the sickest mm heroes in 2022 is Lesley, a marksman with a sniper weapon and has high damage and pain. Lesley is a marksman who is equipped with high critical damage, even her passive skill also has critical damage. This marksman hero also has a unique ability that can disappear for a while, this can be used by Lesley to attack secretly or run away.

Lesley also has the ultimate skill with a long attack distance, this skill can be used to execute opponents or it can also be used for open maps. This mm hero is a late game hero so it takes time and farming to make it more painful later in the late game.

Well, that was the list of the sickest marksman heroes in 2022 in Mobile Legends, hopefully it can add information and insight about heroes in ML. All heroes are basically good and have advantages and disadvantages of each, it’s just the pilot who is good at playing it or not. Looks like it’s just here, gamers friends, see you later!.

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