How to Change FB Password (Facebook) Quickly

Facebook is again Facebook, this social media is indeed the king of social media in Indonesia. Because, some people are even very few people who do not know this social media. Our people used to mention FB in chat, the abbreviation is getting more and more interesting for people who have never heard of it.

Short Memories

Before the existence of Facebook, I myself knew the social network Friendster, for friends who were born in the 90s and below, you must be familiar with Friendster. Friendster’s social media has also dominated social media in its era. Of course, for those of you, don’t forget about mirc too, the chat media that was booming. haha

Okay, on this occasion I will share a tutorial on how to change facebook password easily? But step – by – step, friend, I don’t have the code to keep it short, solid and clear.

Some Mistakes of Social Media Users

Some mistakes that occur and are often made by social media owners are leaving social media accounts without logging out of accounts on foreign PC/laptop media such as internet cafes, friends’ laptops, lab PCs and others.

This error is fatal because if the PC/laptop is used by someone else and the person finds the fb account is still logged in, then there are two choices, namely, our account will be lost and change hands or our account finder is kind enough to log out.

Do not panic

Panic will only make our minds shallow and unclear. When we feel doubt that our social media account has been logged out or not, you just need to change your fb password. No need to rush to the place where we logged in for the first time, just change the password via your smartphone and make sure you change the email password that you use. If your fb and email passwords are different then you don’t need to change your email password.

How to Change Facebook Password

  • Make sure you log in to your facebook account
  • Go to settings, it’s located on the top right corner of the menu itself, next to the search button
  • Then scroll to the bottom and select settings
  • Next, scroll on the security menu then select security and login
  • Choose change password

  • After you choose to change your password, you will be taken to the fb password refill form
  • Enter your last password
  • Then enter a new password
  • Finally, save changes. done!!!

That’s a short tutorial that I can share for my friends, I hope it’s useful and don’t forget to like the fanspage of the Gapunyakode blog. Thank you

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