How to Invalid Match Mode Ranked Mobile Legends AFK Player

Have you ever experienced a member of the ranked team doing afk? It would be a shame if this happened because of course it would result in the team’s stability being reduced. But calm down bro, there is a cure for this, but before discussing it I will invite my friends to know what AFK is?

AFK stands for away from keyboard, AFK is a term used by gamers if one player is inactive, not moving, or always following other players. Is it annoying, bro? haha

However, an AFK player must have several reasons, such as unknowingly running out of battery, rusty quota alias exhausted, broken connections, sudden needs that must be done right away, and many more.

However, AFK’s behavior is not justified because it is detrimental to the team.

In some cases we can see some characteristics of players who are AFK

  • When selecting a hero, the player will not choose a hero until the time runs out and the system will select a hero for the player
  • When the process will go to the arena the percentage of the player will look 0%
  • The player will follow other players where the player moves

When we experience these characteristics, it’s a good idea to wait a while to make sure that the player is really AFK.

After it has been confirmed that the player is AFK, then we can only confirm to the team members to do an invalid match

Here’s how to do an invalid match when we get one of the AFK players

  • First, don’t let one of the team members be defeated by the opposing player
  • Second, set the AFK player to be in our team’s base area
  • Third, give a signal to team members to gather in the base area
  • Fourth, wait until we get the choice to make the surrender option
  • Fifth, hurry to choose surrender if the choice has appeared

Events that I have experienced in a match sometimes the system gives a signal to surrender if there are players who are AFK.

But some time ago I tried a new account and did a ranked mode match still below the master level, which is around the elite and warrior tiers, even though some of our team members were defeated by the enemy and the match continued until the end my team didn’t lose a star and it was valid once a day for the tier but it’s a shame I didn’t document it.

AFK is a violation that harms team members, try not to AFK, friend, sorry for my rich player who often plays solo.

Thus some information that I can share may be useful. Thank you

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