How to Move Mobile Legends Advance Server Quickly

If we install the mobile legends game for the first time, we will enter the local server. We will go through a basic tutorial on how to play this game until we get to a certain level. In addition to the local server there is an advanced server, this server is very different if we compare it to a local server.

Here’s a comparison of local servers with advanced servers

If we compare in terms of system updates, the advanced server gets the fastest update compared to the local server, for example there is a new hero update, the advanced server player will enjoy the latest hero first, while for the local server the latest update will be carried out a few weeks after the advanced server. How to switch local server to advanced server?

Here’s how to move to an advanced server

  • Open the mobile legends game
  • Go to profile menu
  • Select the menu on the left of Account Settings
  • Then select the menu to the right of advanced server
  • If the server is full, a notification will appear as follows:
notification server full no code
  • Try a few more moments to enter the advanced server
  • Done

If the server is still full then try it at night time, which is 12 pm and above, I have tried to switch servers but the server is still full so I tried again at 2 am and it worked.

After making it to the advanced server, for the first time players will go through the basic tutorial again such as creating a new account and providing an account name.

In addition to going through the basic tutorial, the game system also updates the game because the data on the advanced server is different when compared to the local server.

The advantage of the advanced server is that we can enjoy the latest hero updates earlier than the local server players.

Thank you, I hope it can help everyone

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