How to Overcome the Redmi 5 Plus Freeze Touchscreen Doesn't Move

Finally, I was still given the opportunity to experience Vince or Redmi 5 plus, of course I can buy this phone with trade-in, friend, I can’t buy it right away because I’m constrained by funds.

Actually, if I do a review of this product, it is very, very late because the redmi 5 plus has been on the market a few months ago, therefore I will only share my experience about a problem that often arises, namely the touch screen that cannot be moved (freeze).

When you first unboxed Vince, it was very different, friend, if you have never had a cellphone with a full screen display, you will feel that this cellphone is very elegant.

I myself feel this, friend, to the point that at night I don’t sleep well because I remember my cellphone, hehe.

After a while I changed the font size to extra small, aka the smallest size, at first it was normal I thought it was only temporary and when I opened the application the touch screen freezes again and even when I want to exit the application I also experience the same thing.

This condition certainly makes me a little nervous, friend, yes, it hasn’t been a day that there has been an error. Nah, but after a while finally tsv ince doesn’t freeze, here’s a glimpse of what I did:

Overcome Redmi 5 Plus Touch Screen Freeze

  1. First, change the font size back to normal after that use it for a while if it’s normal then you can set the size back to xs if you want. When changing the font size from s to ex if it freezes then change it back to s size if normal then you can set it back to xs size.
  2. Second, leave your phone for a while or use it as usual. Judging from the incident that I experienced above, the redmi 5 plus only needs some kind of adjustment so that this freeze problem will disappear by itself
  3. Third, you can upgrade or downgrade to the miui version, especially Vince version After adjusting my phone, I didn’t freeze again, even when I used it to play games it didn’t freeze at all.

For miui, you can use a version like the one above so that the freeze disease disappears. Here’s the latest article about touch freeze

Also Read: Overcoming Touchscreen Freeze, Ghost Touch, Crashes 2022

That’s a little experience using Vince, not only friends who experience freeze screens alone, because there are others out there who have experienced it, including myself, don’t rush and panic.

Because this is not about the hardware but more to the system in my opinion. Hopefully useful and can help my friend. Thank you

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