How to Remove WA (Whatsapp) Online Status Without Additional Applications

The WhatsApp application has indeed become the top communication application (chat), what information is shared on your personal wa account, friend? In general, wa profile info that is shared is profile photo, status, location, online status (last seen), about and status of message recipients. For those of you who want to manage your privacy, you can visit my article below:

Also Read: How to Set Whatsapp (WA) Privacy

On this occasion I would like to invite my friend to fully review the functions and settings of online status, do you want to limit the appearance of the online status or eliminate it?

In the last seen setting, there are 3 options, namely everyone (everyone), my contacts (my contacts), nobody (none). The three options turned out to have different functions following a detailed explanation:

  • Everyone – If we give this option in the last seen setting then the status of our activities in the wa application will be visible to everyone even those whose numbers we don’t save.
  • My contacts – If you apply this option then your activities while using the whatsapp application can only be seen for contacts stored on the phone and those who are not in contacts cannot see the last seen status.
  • Nobody – This option, whatever your activity in the last seen or online status wa, will not be seen by anyone, even if the contacts you have saved.

How to Remove Online Status

  1. Go to the settings menu (top right corner)
  2. Select Account
  3. Then select Privacy
  4. Then select the last seen (last seen) apply the nobody option
  5. By applying the NOBODY option, you can limit the online status that will be visible

Setting last seen to nobody will reduce suspicion on your partner, why are you online but not replying? In addition, it will also provide flexibility for friends to reply to a chat anytime, especially when you don’t want to be disturbed.

Important !!!

To get rid of the online status more quickly, after you see who’s in, quickly exit and delete applications running on a multitasking system, the multi-tasking button is usually in line with the home button, the back button, but sometimes usage varies, some are one-touch directly. Multi tasking appears and there is also something that must be held for a while before it appears.

If you have entered, clear all (delete) the wa application that is on a multi-tasking system, then your online status will quickly disappear.

That’s a little experience that I can share, hopefully it will be useful for my friend, thank you

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