How to Resubmit a Blog Sitemap in Google Search Console Latest Display

How to Resubmit a Blog Sitemap in Google Search Console Latest Display

Yo, blogger friends, of course, when you start a blog, you want your blog to be found in the super large search column of Google, right? Unlike the videos on YouTube, which do not need to do a lot of optimization.

Our personal blog must be optimized in the right way so that it immediately appears in searches. But yes, friend, even though we don’t do optimization, Google will actually display our blog soon.

But, in achieving it takes a fair amount of time so have to be patient. If you want to appear quickly, you can start in the way below.

1. Using the Sitemap Menu
You can find this menu in the search-console. Make sure you have logged in using your gmail account.

Next, you go to the sitemap menu and enter the url code as below:




For the url, I think one is enough as above and will be indexed in the google search engine. But buddy no code can add some url code below, if not satisfied hehe.


2. Using URL Inspection
The old way when the ui hasn’t been updated is using fetch as google. And now to do index request we have to use url inspection. It’s pretty easy, bro, come on.

How to Resubmit a Blog Sitemap in Google Search Console Latest Display

The method : Simply use the URL Inspection Menu then enter the url of your new post into the url column. After you select the menu, a column will automatically be available, friend, to enter the url of your latest post.

After entering the url then my friend just press enter. Follow the next steps, and request indexing. Only one request is enough for a new url, bro, because successive requests with the same url will not change the indexing speed.

3. Resubmit Sitemap
This way we can do when we, fiddle with the template. Or a change in appearance using a new theme, of course, resubmitting is the main step so that the robot always remembers the changes to our blog.

The method : Not much different from the number one method. But, you don’t need to delete the old sitemap data and all you have to do is enter the sitemap.xml code directly without deleting.

Because the sitemap that we entered earlier will be refreshed without stacking automatically. This method is more practical than we have to delete the old sitemap.

This re-index process takes time so you have to be patient and just enjoy it. The indexed data, after we re-submit it will not be deleted, so don’t hesitate, friend, the important thing is to do it properly.

The process of indexing our content requires a process to enter the search field, but after we submit it, I’m sure it will appear soon. Robots are not humans, robots will of course always do the same thing according to orders but if there is a lot of incoming data, it will take time to complete. So much from me, thanks

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