How to Set Whatsapp (WA) Privacy Photo Info Status Report Last Viewed

How to set WhatsApp privacy (WA) photo info status report read last seen – Setting privacy is everyone’s right about anything that will be shared, especially our information on whatsapp we can manage it by taking advantage of the features of the application.

Also Read: How to Remove WA (Whatsapp) Online Status Without Additional Applications

Here’s how to set our privacy on whatsapp

  • Select the option (3 dots consecutively downwards)
  • Select Settings
  • Select Account
  • Choose Privacy

In the privacy menu option we can set several things about our personal information

Set Privacy Last seen

  • Tap on Last seen
  • Then we are presented with three options (everyone, my contacts, none). If we select everyone then everyone can see our last status using whatsapp. If you select my contact then only people who are in your contact can see your status. If not then our status can not be seen by everyone.
  • Done

Arrange Privacy Profile picture

  • Select Profile Photo
  • The options that appear are not much different when we set the last seen, namely everyone, my contacts and no one
  • Done

Setting Profile Info Privacy

  • Tap Info
  • Choose who can see our profile info. Do we want to share info with everyone, only people in contact, or we don’t want our profile info to be seen by people
  • done

Set Whatsapp Status Privacy

  • Tap Status
  • In the status privacy menu there are three options, namely my contacts (the number of people we save can see our status changes, My contacts except (we can set who cannot see our status changes), Only shared with (we can set our status only) shared with certain people we choose)
  • This status privacy setting change does not affect previously published status
  • Done

Setting Current Location Privacy

  • Tap current location
  • Set location on device if want to share current location
  • Done

Set Privacy Block Contact

  • Tap blocked contact
  • Choose a person symbol
  • Enter the contact to block
  • If you want to unblock, tap the blocked contact then select unblock
  • Wait for the process
  • Done

Set Privacy Report Read Blue or Gray Tick

  • Remove the Read Report Checklist
  • Disabling the read report feature will have the effect of eliminating the read report as usual when the chat is read it will change color to blue bars, when we remove the checklist on the read report, what happens will remain a gray tick. For unaffected groups
  • Done

Setting Privacy Using Fingerprint Lock

Thus a review of how to set privacy on the WhatsApp application. Thank you

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