How to Shop at the Latest Shopee Using Free Shipping

Even shopee twin dates are common every month, for those of you who don’t have the code for a long time, you will know the progress until this moment, but for friends who have just started shopping at shopee, you must be wondering how to do it?

Shopee Memories

Yes, shopee has been pampering its buyers for a long time with free shipping for a minimum of 0 shopping with a super large 20,000 rupiah discount, even to the point that it is not used.

However, since it has gone viral due to the effects of content creators, which I think may be less elegant or less appropriate to convey shopee promos, since then the free shipping promo has been tightened. Starting from the change of a minimum spend of 0 with a discount of 5000 and a minimum of spending of 10,000 with a discount of 20,000 etc.

Over time, the giving of free shipping vouchers is no longer as flooded as it used to be, which now only limited vouchers can be counted on one’s fingers and in the end, this 2.2 event was really very striking.

What’s that ? The use of free shipping vouchers is very limited, starting from the time, the amount and others. For example, the use of vouchers is only valid at 00.00 – 02.00, and the worst thing is the following

The picture above I got from a friend on social media, the details of the incident above are that the free shipping voucher starts at 08.00 to 08.10 and when I want to claim there is an error or an update that there is no promotion.

I also experienced the same thing and wow I can really say disappointed because this is the first time I know that there is a marketplace that gives 10 minutes for free shipping vouchers.

If it continues like this it is likely to have a big impact on the buyer and of course the seller, I personally hope that the shopee will provide another good event. And to still be able to shop, Gapunyakode has a trick that might work.

How to Shop at the Latest Shopee

Firstwhat you need to know is that 1 free shipping voucher can be used to checkout several stores (provided that they meet the criteria).

Secondstart looking for the item you want to buy and when you find a selection of items then add it to the basket first.

Third, start re-checking the items to be purchased whether they meet the criteria for using free shipping. Because if the voucher type is free extra shipping, it can only be used at stores that have a free extra shipping label.

Fourth, set up a payment method. To reduce costs, you can use shopeepay.

FifthDon’t forget to claim the voucher according to the hour and enter the free shipping voucher.

That’s a little information for my friends so you won’t be too disappointed, because they are used to using free shipping vouchers for one store and hopefully the system is not deleted by shopee.

Hopefully it’s useful, mate, and if you have any questions or suggestions, you can leave a new comment below, mate, let’s discuss it together.

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