How to Speed ​​up Shopee Planting – gapunyakode

Some marketplaces have their own programs to get their customers, including shopee too. In the shopee program, it has a game feature in the form of shopee planting, which can be followed by all shopee users.

This planting shopee will later be assigned to water the plants periodically until it reaches the harvest point. Is it free? Everything you plant later until you harvest will be charged 0 rupiah, you can say it’s free.

How to flush it, just choose a sprinkler, it will be automatically flushed and the amount to be achieved will be reduced.

Unfortunately the opportunity to water is limited so we have to diligently return to the shopee for a few hours to water. Then is there a way to finish shopee planting quickly? The answer is there.

First, you can ask your friends for help by sending a request for help to water the plants.

Second, you can use the following trick:

Select the menu ask friends for help, then select “copy link”. Furthermore, my friend can use a browser such as Firefox or Chrome to do watering. For example, as shown below.

Before you paste the link that was copied from the shopee plant earlier, you have to open a tab in the browser to be in incognito mode.

The trick is: I give an example through the chrome browser, yes. How to change to chrome incognito mode “Select the menu in the upper right corner, then select New Incognito Tab”.

After being on the incognito mode tab, please, my friend, paste the link from this shopee plant and then wait a while to finish loading.

Note: If it asks you to open or download the application, just ignore it. Let the browser load until it will be taken to the shopee menu.

After being in the shopee planting, please flush the plants. Did it work? Yes, this method still works, I did the following example of the notification.

If you plant normally, it’s probably far from harvesting. Maybe there is a friend who is watering gradually? I’ve tried several times to plant with the watering method as soon as possible, the plants die hehe.

Maybe this method was given by the shopee, because if the nature of the user is like me, then I choose not to plant if the watering method is troublesome. But if the method with the trick I shared above is valid for a long time, it’s likely that I will return to planting hehe.

That’s some new information about shopee planting, hope it helps, thank you.

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