How to Speed ​​up a Slow Windows 10/7 Laptop/Computer with Low Ram

Reading is the door to the world, I have heard this sentence for a long time, but for the habits of people in Indonesia, our beloved country is still very low in willingness to read.

But I believe that every Indonesian citizen has unconsciously read it but it is still at the summary level and not the whole of the original article.

We certainly can’t deny this fact, because of the abundance of users on several social media such as IG. Most IG accounts themselves are only based on a photo or written image.

Although there are some that include complete writing, it is still very minimal to read as a whole.

OK, buddy! even digress hehe. Now I want to share information that may be useful for friends Gapunyakode.

That is about the performance constraints of a slow laptop or computer with minimal RAM. The question is, is it still possible to speed up the performance of a slow laptop or computer with mediocre ram?

The answer is of course you can. Like a slow android smartphone, we can overcome it by minimizing some of the functions that work,

well on a laptop or computer there are also settings to maximize the performance of windows so that the process will take place quickly. How to ? Here are some of the steps you have to go through.

How to Speed ​​Up Windows 10 or 7 . Performance

  • Select Start Menu
  • Select Computer
  • Select Advanced System Settings (on the left menu)
  • A new screen will appear then select the Advan menu (in the Performance option select settings)
  • In visual effects select Adjust For Best Performance
  • Then select apply then ok

It’s the same with HP, if we minimize the visual effect it will speed up the performance of the cellphone even though it will affect some displays. On laptops and computers, there is still a continuation, friend, so that the display remains smooth but the performance is still fast. Read more bro.

  • Select Start again
  • Fill in the keyword “clear” in the search field
  • Then select Adjust clear type text
  • Then stay next – next ok ok until it’s finished (just ignore the main option ok ok)
  • When finished, the display will remain smooth and perform optimally

Until here, there are some problems, friend, for some files such as photos there will be no preview of the display even though they are in a large icon state. To solve this, my friend, follow these steps.

  • Open the folder where there is a photo file
  • Then my friend can search for folders and search options
  • For Windows 7 it’s in the Organize menu, for Windows 10 it’s in View
  • After opening the folder and search options, then my friend select the View menu tab
  • Then select Restore Defaults

If you have done the steps above, then the performance of windows will be maximized and the process will be faster. If you want to be more stable, you can restart your laptop or computer to make it more fresh.

That’s a bit of my personal experience, because I wanted to add a ram slot on an asus x453s laptop, it turned out that there was only one ram slot so I couldn’t add ram.

Meanwhile, to buy a new ram, the funds were not sufficient, friend, hehe, so I tried the method and it worked well and the results were satisfactory without having to replace the new ram. For now, it’s enough to type hehe.

I hope this article can still help you guys who don’t have the code. Thank you

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