Problems That Always Appear In Mobile Legends Games

Mobile Legends Playing Experience – Who doesn’t know the Moba game, Mobile Legend? This Moba game is very popular with players, especially in Indonesia. I used to push Rank until I stayed up late, forgot to study and even when called or ordered by my parents sometimes I refused because I was busy playing this Mobile legend game.

Problems That Always Appear In Mobile Legends Games

Septemberbe someone here has retired from this game and moved to another new game because the existing problems do not go away. To be honest, I was disappointed with this mobile legend game and chose Pensi for several reasons which I will write below later. maybe later some of you will experience it too and it can make you emotional to want to slam your cellphone too.

First Bad Mobile Legend Server
This legend mobile game has a bad server in my opinion, because with the large number of users playing this the server becomes unstable and makes the game lag and sometimes interferes. maybe you have experienced what I experienced, so when playing this mobile legend the game suddenly reconnects even though our network is running smoothly and the ping is also small but even the hero can’t move and finally AFK. and this makes us become irritated and emotional which eventually makes our star less. this is one of our losses, tired of pushing rank and even losing because of a lagging server.

The Two Old Hero Traditions On Nerf
The habits of the Moonton developer who always do nerfs or decrease the old hero’s skill stats sometimes make us annoyed. it’s fun to make the hero instead of being nerfed and when a new hero is released it will always be over power so it makes the balance of each hero unfair. maybe this is part of the marketing strategy carried out by the mobile legends.

The three diamonds can’t enter our account
Septemberbe not everyone has experienced this problem, maybe there are also those who have experienced buying diamonds through the shop in the legend mobile game but the diamonds didn’t make it into our account, even though the credit was cut off. this is a loss for us. my advice is to just buy diamonds at codashop instead of buying directly on the legend mobile application. from my experience, transactions are safer on codashop than on the mobile legend application directly.

Of the three problems, which problem do you get the most? Share your experiences through the comments column in this article. The same thing that I see most often is said by other users because we are still together and yes, this sometimes makes me very angry.

Finally, after playing mobile legend for a long time, I decided to stop and retire. my account was sold at a low price of 350 thousand with the last rank of legend, number of heroes 41 and number of skins 31. so that’s the end of this article. So that’s all for discussing the problems that arise in this Mobile Legend game and I say many thanks to friends who have read this article.

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